About Violations for Net Pairs
A net contains one or more components. When you perform a clearance or creepage analysis for a net pair, Creo Parametric calculates clearance or creepage distances between all components in a net pair. After the analysis completes, a report of violations is displayed. The clearance or creepage distances that are less than the specified threshold values of clearance or creepage for a specific net pair are reported.
The results of the Clearance and Creepage Analysis appear in the Net Pair Violations dialog box. The circles in different colors are displayed for each net pair. The color of the circle indicates the status of the violation for each net pair. Use the Net Pair Violations dialog box to perform the following tasks:
• Select a net pair to review all the violations for the net pair.
• View the duplicated violations in the assembly. The violations are duplicated violations if they satisfy the following criteria:
◦ They have the same violation distances.
◦ The two components between which the violation distance is calculated are the same.
• View a violation path in the assembly model. You can highlight the selected path in red in the graphic window. You can also zoom in on the selected violation path.
• Override a violation for specific components.
• Generate a report of violations for a single net pair and for all net pairs.