Detailed Drawings > Annotating the Drawing > Working with Text and Notes > Modifying Note Text > Adding Drawing Symbols to Notes
Adding Drawing Symbols to Notes
You can include a drawing symbol in a note if its instance is present in the drawing. To include a symbol, use the following format:
Type the symbol filename without an extension.
* You cannot call out drawing symbols in dimensions that are stored with the model (those of type d or ad).
When you include an instance of a generic symbol, after you type the symbol name, select groups that compose the instance (this is similar to creating instances of a generic symbol).
For example, if a drawing contains an instance of the symbol bevel, to include the symbol in a note, type
When you edit a note, the system represents the symbol in the following format:
where n is the number of the text element, and sym_path is the name or pathname of the symbol.
* A drawing symbol appears in the text note to which it is added, but it does not display it in the dimension text line. Dimension text resides in Part mode; therefore, it may not acquire drawing symbols that reside in Drawing mode.
To Include the Symbol:
1. Click Annotate > Note.
2. Type the note in the format described earlier.
3. Specify the symbol height.
4. For an instance of a generic symbol, select groups to compose the instance. To complete the instance description, type variable text, if necessary.
5. To finish the note, press the ENTER key twice.