About Nested Interfaces
A nested interface uses previously defined interfaces as references. This allows the propagation of engineering intent and criteria to more than one level of the assembly. Use nested interfaces to:
• Customize placement options—A nested interface can contain connections. Each subinterface is a set that the user can enable or disable at will.
• Use interfaces designed in submodels—Nested interfaces at the assembly level can contain subinterfaces from different, lower levels in the assembly.
• Define criteria to propagate engineering sense—Criteria defined for an interface are propagated up in to the assembly hierarchy when the interface is included in a nested interface.
An interface cannot be selected twice as a reference for a nested interface, although it can be selected for more than one nested interface. Conflicting criteria from subinterfaces is ignored.
Assembly-level nested interfaces can include subinterfaces from any assembly level. Interface hierarchy is presented in the Model Tree when placement sets are displayed.