About Flat-to-screen Annotation Orientation
You can define an annotation plane that remains flat to the screen for an annotation. Creo Parametric places such annotations flat to the screen.
Note the following points about an annotation orientation flat to the screen.
If you place flat-to-screen annotations in the graphics window and these annotations are not attached to the model, then the annotations do not spin, pan, or zoom with the model. Such annotations remain at a fixed location in the graphics window and have the location point placed in a relative screen position relative to the lower left corner of the screen. You can print these annotations by clicking the Print Flat To Screen Annotations check box in the Quick Drawing dialog box that opens when you click File > Print > Quick Drawing.
If you place flat-to-screen annotations that are attached to a point on an entity of the model, and specify the text height in standard screen units by clearing the Text height in model units check box in the ANNOTATION PLANE DEFINITION dialog box, then such annotations pan with the model but do not zoom and rotate with the model.
If you place flat-to-screen annotations that are attached to a point on an entity of the model, and specify the text height in model units by checking the Text height in model units check box in the ANNOTATION PLANE MANAGER dialog box, then such annotations pan and zoom with the model but cannot rotate.
Model units use the same size definition as the annotations placed in annotation planes. You can switch between model units and standard screen units (mm). The text height of a flat-to-screen annotation placed in the graphics window is defined in standard screen units and the default text height is set to 3.5 mm.
You cannot attach flat-to-screen annotations to silhouette edges or on points defined by the intersection of entities or for any other type of attachment, which is dependent on a projection in a particular view direction.
Flat-to-screen annotations are not the same as old style flat-to-screen notes.
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