You can perform the following operations on the subharness:
To Create a Subharness
1. Ensure that a main harness is present in the assembly.
2. Click Modify Harness.
3. Select the harness in which you want to create a subharness. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
4. Click Setup on the SUBHARNESS menu. The SETUP SUBHARN menu appears.
5. Click Add.
6. At the prompt, type a new name for the subharness. A new subharness is added to the harness part. The subharness is visible in the Model Tree in the harness Footer folder.
To Display a Subharness on the Model Tree
1. In the Model Tree click > Tree Filters. The Tree Filters dialog box opens.
2. Under General Items, click the Features check box.
3. Click OK.
4. Click the active harness part on the Model Tree.
5. Click Footer under the active harness part. The subharness is displayed on the Model Tree under Footer.
To Set the Default Subharness
1. Click Modify Harness.
2. Select the harness that has the subharness that you want to set as default. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
3. Click Set Default. The SEL SUBHARNESS menu appears.
4. Select the subharness that you want to set as the default subharness.
The name of the active subharness displays at the bottom left in the graphics window.
To Clear the Default Subharness
1. Click Modify Harness.
2. Select the harness that has the subharness that you want to remove as default. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
3. Click Clear Default. A confirmation message appears.
4. Click Yes to clear the default subharness.
To Assign Cables to a Subharness
1. Click Modify Harness.
2. Select the harness that has the subharness to which you want to add the cables. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
3. Click Assign Cables. The SUBHARN CBL menu appears.
4. Click Add Cables. The SEL SUBHARNESS menu appears
5. Select the subharness to which you want to add the cables. The SEL CABLES menu appears.
6. Select the required cables and wires from the menu.
7. Click Done Sel.
To Add Cables and Wires to a Subharness Through the Model Tree
1. Select a subharness on the Model Tree, right-click, and click Add Cables. The SEL CABLES menu appears.
2. Select the required cables and wires from the menu.
3. Click Done Sel.
To Remove Cables from a Subharness
1. Click Modify Harness.
2. Select the harness that has the subharness from which you want to remove the cables. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
3. Click Assign Cables. The SEL SUBHARNESS menu appears.
4. Select Remove Cables. The SEL CABLES menu appears.
5. Select the subharness from which you want to remove the cables. The SEL CABLES menu appears.
6. Select the required cables and wires from the menu.
7. Click Done Sel.
To Remove Cables and Wires from a Subharness Through the Model Tree
1. Select a subharness on the Model Tree, right-click, and click Remove Cables. The SEL CABLES menu appears.
2. Select the required cables and wires from the menu.
3. Click Done Sel.
To Display Cables in a Subharnesss
1. Click Modify Harness.
2. Select the harness that has the subharness that you want to investigate. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
3. Click Show Cables. The SEL SUBHARNESS menu appears.
4. Select the subharness. The INFORMATION WINDOW appears listing all cables in the selected subharness.
To Manipulate a Subharness Using the Model Tree
On the Model Tree, select a subharness under the harness part, right-click, and perform the required action.
The subharness is displayed under Footer.
You can perform the following actions using the Model Tree:
Delete—Deletes the selected subharness.
Group—Allows you to add a subharness to a group of subharnesses.
Ungroup—Allows you to remove a subharness from a group of subharnesses.
Suppress—Suppresses the display of a subharness.
Modify—Allows you to modify the cosmetic dimensions of the cables and wires in the subharness.
Rename—Renames the selected subharness. Opens a box where you can type a new name for the subharness.
Create a Note—Allows to you set up a note for the feature. Opens the Note dialog box where you can enter information for the subharness.
Information—Allows you to view information about the feature, model, and reference of the subharness.
Hide—Hides the subharness.
Unhide—Displays the hidden subharness.
Move from Footer—Moves the subharness from Footer to the harness part on the Model Tree.
Move to Footer—Moves the subharness from the harness part to the Footer on the Model Tree.
Edit References—Allows you to reroute features or replace references.
Set Default—Sets the selected subharness as the default subharness.
Clear Default—Clears the selection of a subharness as the default subharness.
Add Cables—Adds cables to the subharness using the SEL CABLES menu.
Remove Cables—Removes cables from the subharness using the SEL CABLES menu.
Show Cables—Shows all the cables in the subharness in an information window.
To Add a Subharness to the Layer Tree
1. In the Model Tree click > Layer Tree.
2. Click > New Layer. The Layer Properties dialog box opens.
3. Type a name for the layer in the Name box and select the subharness from the model tree. The Place External Item dialog box opens.
4. In Place External Item dialog box click on New Layer and the Place External Item dialog box closes.
5. click OK in the Layer Properties dialog box. The subharness is added to the new layer in Layer Tree.
The wires referenced by the subharness are not listed in the layer properties.
When you add or remove wires and cables from the subharness, the layer is updated automatically.
To Delete a Subharness
1. Click Modify Harness. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
2. Select the harness from which you want to delete a subharness. The SUBHARNESS menu appears.
3. Click Setup. The SETUP SUBHARN menu appears.
4. Click Delete. The SEL SUBHARNESS menu appears.
5. Select the subharness that you want to delete. The selected subharness is deleted.
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