Creo NC 판금 > Press Punch NC Sequences > To Create a Form NC Sequence
To Create a Form NC Sequence
1. From the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box, click NC Seq.
2. Click New > Forming. The SMT NC SEQUENCE dialog box opens. Select one or more of the following options:
Name—Specify a name for the NC sequence. This name replaces the default NC sequence name.
Parameters—Specify manufacturing parameters.
Comment—Specify comments about the NC sequence.
Info—Displays a summary of the NC sequence and parameter information.
Next—Go to the next NC sequence.
Preview—View the NC sequence using the SMT MFG NCL PLAYER.
3. Define form element.
4. Select a reference part to create a Form NC Sequence.
5. Select forms to create a From NC Sequence.
6. Click Done Sel.
7. If required, click CL Command and click Define. This inserts new CL commands at selected hits.
8. Click Done.
* All Form features included in an NC sequence must use the same tool.