제조 확인 > VERIFY > Analyzing Deviation > About Deviation Analysis
About Deviation Analysis
Two types of deviation analysis can be performed: Distance to Surfaces and Geometric. In both cases, the system analyzes the deviation between the selected reference surfaces in the design model and the corresponding best-fit surfaces in the scan sets.
Distance to Surfaces—Calculates the distance from points in the scan set best-fit surfaces to the corresponding reference surfaces in the design model
Geometric—Calculates the size (where applicable) of the scan set best-fit surfaces and also the location and orientation of those surfaces relative to their reference surfaces in the design mode
For different types of surfaces, best-fit is calculated in different ways:
Plane Surface—Calculates the angle between the best-fit and reference planes
Cylindrical Surface—Calculates the following:
The radius and cylinder length of the best-fit surface
The angle between the best fit surface’s axis and that of the reference surface
Conical Surface—Calculates the following:
The cone half angle and cone height of the best-fit surface
The angle between the axes of the best fit and reference surfaces
The shift of the best-fit surface’s apex from that of the reference surface
Spherical Surface—Calculates the following:
The radius of the best-fit surface
The shift of the best-fit of the surface center from that of the reference surface