좌표측정기(CMM) > Measure Steps > The MEASUREMENT STEP Dialog Box > Measure Step Parameters > About Measure Step Parameters
About Measure Step Parameters
Measure step parameters define how the system will create the probe path for measuring selected geometry, and which values will be output to the DMIS file. The parameters for a Measure step can be saved as XML files and later retrieved to be used in a different step or even in a different model.
The types of measure step parameters are:
Feeds and Speeds—Acceleration and Feed parameters
Entry/Exit Motions—Parameters that define the entry and exit path for the probe, such as approach and pullout distance
Machine Settings—Machine-related parameters, such as probe compensation
Scan—Parameters that control the distribution of measure points when using a scan probe
Measure Parameters—Measurement related parameters such as grid angle
Vision—Camera probe parameters
The value of a parameter can be:
a number.
a mathematical expression containing probe parameters or other parameters in the same CMM sequence. Example:BORDER_CLEARANCE:FID_22 = TIP1_DIAMETER:TID_ROT1 * 0.5
Any change made to the tip diameter automatically updates BORDER_CLEARANCE as well.
a model dimension symbol in assembly format, such as d12:0, or a user-defined parameter that is already defined in relations for the model.
one of the predefined set of values, such as IPM, MMPM, and so on for the FEED_UNITS parameter or the values for SURF, BACK, and so on, for the VISION parameter.
Initializing Measure Step Parameters
Use one of the following methods to initialize measure step parameters:
If you have associated a site with the current workcell, or activated a site, at setup time, this site will be automatically used to initialize the parameters. You can retrieve parameters of another pre-defined site using the Edit > Inherit From Site option on the Edit Parameters dialog box. Note that retrieving site parameters does not activate the site for subsequent Measure steps.
If you have an existing measure parameters file, you can retrieve it by clicking File > Open Site on the Edit Parameters dialog box.
* If the retrieved file contains some parameters inapplicable for the current step, these parameters will be listed in the Info window.
If you have previously created a measure step, you can use its parameters for the current step using File > Copy from Step on the Edit Parameters dialog box.
A run-time menu of all previous measure steps will appear. Select a step name; it does not have to be of exactly the same type as the current one. The system will read in the applicable parameters and ignore those that are not valid for the current step type.
If parameters are defined for the probe, you can copy probe parameters to the measure sequence using File > Copy from Probe on the Edit Parameters dialog box.