製造検証 > VERIFY > Verification Results > About Verification Results
About Verification Results
After you have set up deviation cases, you can run them. The results of each analysis are written to a file (deviation-case.cdv for Distance to Surfaces features and deviation-case.dat for Geometric features).
Later, you can read in the Distance from Surfaces results and analyze them graphically. You can also tabulate them, plot them, or export them to a text file, so that they can be analyzed by other tools, such as spreadsheets.
Deviation features are computed and output through the Ver Results menu. That menu has the following commands:
Compute—Computes selected deviation features
Display—Graphically displays computed Distance to Surfaces deviation feature results
Tabulate—Tabulates computed Distance to Surfaces deviation feature results
Export—Writes computed Distance to Surfaces deviation feature results to a text file
Done/Return—Returns to the VERIFICATION menu