Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > User Interface Basics > Customizing the User Interface > User Interface Custom Settings > To Export User Interface Custom Settings
To Export User Interface Custom Settings
1. Click File > Options. The Creo Parametric Options dialog box that opens, .
2. Click the Export list. The following three customization options are available:
Export admin and user customizations—This option is available only if customizations made to the user interface by an administrator have been saved in the file creo_parametric_admin_customization.ui at the path – < Creo loadpoint>/text. Exports the following types of customization to the user interface in the following run directories:
Customizations in the creo_parametric_admin_customization.ui file made by an administrator in < Creo loadpoint>/text for the admin customization directory.
Customizations made by a user in the creo_parametric_customization.ui file in the \User Profiles\<current user>\My Documents directory.
Customizations to the user interface that are loaded from the creo_parametric_customization.ui file in the run directory.
* This option is available only if the configuration option load_ui_customization_run_dir is set to yes.
Export only user customizations—Exports user customizations from the .ui files in \User Profiles\<current user>\My Documents directory and run directory customization.
Export only run directory customization — This option is displayed only when the configuration option load_ui_customization_run_dir is set to yes. It exports the customizations from the creo_parametric_customization.ui in the run directory.
3. Click the customization option that you want.
4. The Export dialog box opens. The default file name creo_parametric_customization.ui is displayed in the File name box. The default directory is \User Profiles\<current user>\My Documents.
5. If required, type a new name in the File name box and browse to the location of your choice.
6. Click Save.