Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The View Tab > Adjusting the Model View > About Dynamic Viewing
About Dynamic Viewing
Creo Parametric dynamically displays the model as you reorient your view. For example, as you spin, pan, zoom or turn an item, you see it change as you move the mouse.
View Behavior
Spin, Pan, Zoom and Turn are all achieved by clicking the middle mouse button, and except for Spin, in combination with either the SHIFT or CTRL key.
Three-button Mouse
Press and hold the middle mouse button + move the mouse
Press and hold the middle mouse button + SHIFT + move the mouse
Press and hold the middle mouse button + CTRL + move the mouse vertically
Press and hold the middle mouse button + CTRL + move mouse horizontally
Wheel Mouse
Place pointer over focused geometry area + spin mouse wheel.