Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > User Interface Basics > Customizing the Non-ribbon User Interface > Using Configuration Files in the Non-ribbon User Interface Mode > About Configuration Files
About Configuration Files
You can customize the look and feel of Creo Parametric and the way in which Creo Parametric runs by setting options in a configuration file. Creo Parametric contains two important configuration files: and files with .ui extension. The file is a text file that stores all of the settings that define the way in which Creo Parametric handles operations. Each setting in the configuration files is called a configuration option. Creo Parametric provides default values for each option. You can set or change the configuration options. Some of the options you can set are:
Tolerance display formats
Calculation accuracy
The number of digits used in sketcher dimensions
A file with .ui extension is a text file that automatically stores any change that the user does in the customization. It stores ribbon customization, window settings, and many other settings
Config.sup is a protected system configuration file. Your company system administrator uses this file to set configuration options that are used on a company-wide basis. Any values that are set in this file cannot be overridden by other (more local) files.
When an option is locked using config.sup file, the option becomes unavailable and a lock icon appears next to the option. The config option is used to lock options on the Options dialog box, Quick Access toolbar, Graphics toolbar, and anywhere on the ribbon user interface. For example, if the datum display filters are locked, the control is disabled and a lock is shown on the Options dialog box, in Entity Display tab, under Datum display settings.
The datum display filters are also locked in the Configuration Editor , View tab, and on the Graphics toolbar.
How Creo Parametric Reads Configuration Files at Startup
Creo Parametric reads configuration files automatically from several areas. If a particular option is present in more than one configuration file, Creo Parametric applies the most recently loaded/read setting.
At startup, Creo Parametric first reads in a protected system configuration file called config.sup. It then searches for and reads in configuration files (,, from the following directories in the following order:
1. <creo_loadpoint>\Common Files\<datecode>\text (creo_loadpoint is the Creo Parametric installation directory) - Your system administrator may have put configuration files in this location to support company standards for windows configuration settings, formats and libraries. Any user starting Creo Parametric from this loadpoint uses the values in this file.
2. Login directory - This is the home directory for your login ID. Placing your configuration files here lets you start Creo Parametric from any directory without having a copy of the files in each directory.
3. Startup directory - This is your current or working directory when you start Creo Parametric.
* The local configuration files (,, and in your startup directory are the last to be read; therefore, they override any conflicting configuration file option entries. The file does not, however, override any config.sup entries.
You can create and store custom configuration files in your current working directory. These custom configuration files usually apply to specific projects.