Creo Options Modeler > References > Data Management > Workspace > Object Operations in the Workspace > Revising Objects > About Revise and Checkout
About Revise and Checkout
You can retrieve parts and assemblies from a Windchill server without checking them out and use the File > Check In > Revise and Check Out command in the Creo application to revise and check out the objects as a single task, instead of performing the separate tasks of revising the objects and checking them out.
The Revise and Check Out command is available as follows:
On the File menu
As a right-mouse button (RMB) menu option on the Model Tree
In the Conflicts dialog box
The revise and checkout operation consists of the following individual and sequential tasks. The failure of any one task aborts the subsequent operation. The Event Manager too reports these tasks separately. The revise task is recorded as the New Revision event while checkout is reported as Download.
Revise—Creates a new revision of the selected object and its first iteration in the Commonspace. The new iteration is added to the workspace. This revise operation does not overwrite the local changes and it does not prompt you to replace objects in session. Undo Check Out does not remove the newly created revision and the first iteration of the revision remains in the Commonspace.
Checkout—Checks out the workspace object and the local changes are not overwritten.
Version update—Updates the version details of the objects in session. If a revise is performed from the workspace for objects in session, the objects are not replaced.
In a session of the Creo application, you can use the Revise and Check Out command instead of switching to the Creo browser to use the Revise option of the HTML user interface. As a revise operation precedes checkout and Revise creates a new revision of the objects selected for modifying, the Revise option requires that you decide in advance the objects that you intend to modify and the nature of the modifications. Additionally, you must wait for the workspace table to refresh after you use Revise before returning to the model in session to update the session with the revised content and continue with the modifications.
The Revise and Check Out command, instead, allows you to make informed decisions about design changes and also handle unexpected modifications. For instance, without a prior decision about the objects to change, you can retrieve and open an assembly in the Creo application without checking out the assembly to confirm the changes you intend to make. You can then select the objects you intend to modify and use the File > Check In > Revise and Check Out command. If you select objects on the Model Tree, you can right-click and access Revise and Check Out on the shortcut menu and start modifying the selected objects. Revise and Check Out is not available when the relevant objects are already checked out. Subsequently, other parts and components of the assembly too may require simultaneous modifications as they are driven by the same relations. You can select the Revise and Check out now option instead of Check out now in the Conflicts dialog box that opens in such cases. You can then modify the revised and checked out parts and check them in as new revision.
The Conflicts dialog box also opens when you begin modifying any member of a family table as the changes can result in the modification of the family table instances. Additionally, the Conflicts dialog box opens if you are not authorized to perform the revise and checkout operation. The operation fails even if you do not have authorization to any one object in the selected set of objects.