Creo Options Modeler > References > PTC Creo Unite > Saving and Exporting non-Creo Models > About Checking for the External References of non-Creo Models
About Checking for the External References of non-Creo Models
The reference control for the non-Creo models is set to none by default. Therefore, external references and dependencies are not created by default for the non-Creo models.
If external references and other dependencies exist for the non-Creo models, the Conflicts dialog box warns you about the external references and dependencies when you save the non-Creo models in Creo. It warns you that the external references are not saved to the Windchill server. The Conflicts dialog box suggests that you convert the non-Creo models to Creo models or edit the non-Creo models to remove the external references. You can ignore the warning and save the non-Creo models to the server or click Cancel on the Conflicts dialog box and resolve the conflict.
You can specify warn_message as the value of the non_creo_model_dependency_check configuration option to configure the message area to warn you about the external references of the non-Creo models. The non_creo_model_dependency_check configuration option is set to conflicts_dialog by default and the Conflicts dialog box opens by default when external references and dependencies exist for the non-Creo models.