Creo Options Modeler > References > PTC Creo Unite > Supported Tasks and Behavior > About Model and Component Operations Not Supported in the Multi-CAD Environment
About Model and Component Operations Not Supported in the Multi-CAD Environment
You can perform most component-level and assembly tasks in a multi-CAD environment in Creo. You cannot, however, perform tasks that do not preserve the data integrity of models or disrupt the consistency of model structures.
You cannot perform the following tasks on the non-Creo models or components:
File > Manage File > Delete Old Versions or File > Manage File > Delete All Versions
File > Manage File > Rename
Model > Operations > Suppress
Model > Operations > Resume
Model > Operations > Replace
Model > Operations > Reorder
or Component > Component Operations > Reorder on the COMPONENT menu
Model > Component > Restructure
or Move to New Subassembly on the Model Tree
Manage Views > Set Representation to > Exclude
or Representation > Exclude and Substitute on the Model Tree
Model Intent > Family Table
Additional operations that you cannot perform on the non-Creo models and components are as follows:
Add components to the non-Creo assemblies in Creo.
If you add components to the non-Creo assemblies in their source CAD systems, you cannot delete the added non-Creo components or suppress the components and resume them in Creo.
Pattern the non-Creo components of assemblies that consist of Creo and non-Creo components.
Create external references from the non-Creo models by default. The reference control for the non-Creo models is set to None by default. You cannot, therefore, perform tasks that create external references and dependencies such as pattern non-Creo models, add Creo Layout features to non-Creo models, or paste copies of Creo features in the non-Creo models. These references are not transferred to Windchill.
* You can switch off the reference control for the non-Creo models to temporarily create external references, especially when you want to use Import DataDoctor (IDD) to heal geometry. The external references that IDD uses to heal geometry are temporary and do not persist in the model.
Autodesk Inventor, CATIA, Creo Elements/Direct, SolidWorks, and NX models you open in Creo do not show Associative Topology Bus (ATB) behavior. ATB system parameters are also not created for the non-Creo models. The ATB commands of Check Status, Update, Change Link, and Make Independent are, however, available for the Translated Image Models (TIMs) when you assemble the TIM parts and assemblies as components of assemblies with mixed content. Assemblies with mixed content consist of Creo and non-Creo models as components.