About the Measurement Panels
When you select one or more reference entities for measurement, a panel appears next to each selected entity with measurement results. If you select more than one reference entity, an additional panel with combined information appears. You can expand or collapse a measurement panel.
• Open panel—An open panel has a header followed by the information area. The header appears with the following elements:
◦ Reference entity name and ID—Shows the name of the selected reference entity along with its unique identifier if you have selected a single reference entity for measurement.
◦ All References—Appears for panels that display combined information if you have selected multiple reference entities for measurement.
—Minimizes the panel to show only an icon attached to each reference entity.
◦ The Information area has rows and columns of measurement results for the selected reference entity. Each measurement is shown in a separate row.
▪ Measure—Shows the dimension type.
▪ Value—Lists the measurement value.
▪ Units—Shows the units of measurement.
• Closed panel—Sometimes a minimized measurement panel appears as an icon

on the reference entity. Click the icon to expand the measurement panel.