To Measure Specific Dimension Types: General Workflow
1. With an open model in part or assembly mode, click
Home and then click the arrow next to
2. Click a measure tool. A Measure toolbar appears. The title of the toolbar indicates the dimension type for measurement.
3. To expand the Measure dialog box, click

on the toolbar.
4. To customize the units and the display of the analysis results, click

Results. Specify the setup values in the
Options dialog box.
5. Under Setup, click the Reference column and select one or more geometric entities to measure. The names of the selected entities appear in the Setup area.
The measures for the specific dimension type appear at one of the following locations or both:
◦ The Results area in the dialog box
◦ A measurement panel with a leader line pointing to the selected entity in the graphics window
The display of results depend on your settings for the display options in the Options dialog box.
6. To display the results in an INFORMATION WINDOW, click

at the top-right corner of the
Results area.
7. Use any additional options on the dialog box to customize or edit your analysis.
8. To replace the entities selected for measurement, right-click an entity in the Setup area and click the Replace check box.
9. To remove a single reference entity, right-click the entity in the Setup area and click Remove.
10. To clear all the selections and results and to restart the analysis, click
