To Move a Geometry by Dimensions
1. Select bodies, quilts, or surfaces of bodies or quilts. A dragger and an Options Toolbar appear.
2. Click the arrow next to
and select one of the following:
◦ Choose Solution — Calculates a geometric solution automatically based on the movement type and the geometries selected.
◦ Create Side Surfaces — Performs a linear pull operation by creating side walls at the edge of the selection.
◦ Extend Side Surfaces — Extends the side walls to intersect with the moving geometry.
to see the Floating Dashboard.
| The selections shown in the collector in References. |
3. To define the first dimension reference for the movement, select a surface on the geometry to be moved. The selected reference appears in the From collector.
4. Select the second dimension reference, to which you want to move the selected geometry. The selected reference appears in the To collector.
5. A dragger appears between the selected references. A distance value between the two references, appears in the Offset value box.
6. To move the selected geometry, pull the dragger. Or type a displacement value in the Offset value box and press ENTER.
7. To select curves and datum references to be moved with surfaces selected in step 1, click the
Curves and datums collector. Select from the model tree or the Graphics Window. Alternatively, if the Floating Dashboard is collapsed, click
on the Options Toolbar.
8. Select the
Maintain tangency check box to keep existing tangency between the modified geometry and directly adjacent surfaces. If Floating Dashboard is collapsed, click
| • Use default conditions check box is available if Maintain tangency check box is selected. It is used to set system defined conditions for the selected and surrounding geometry. • Click the arrow below Use default conditions check box to see conditions. |
9. Do the following to assign system defined conditions:
a. Click the Condition collector (below Use default conditions check box) to activate it.
b. Select one or more surfaces, edges or vertices from the graphics window.
c. Select one of the following conditions:
▪ Fixed: Fix a surface, edge or vertex
▪ Fixed with tangency: Fix a surface while maintaining tangency to neighboring dragged surfaces or surface regions
▪ Fixed axis: Fix an axis or a surface of revolution
▪ Fixed center: Fix the centre point of a sphere or a torus
▪ Fixed normal: Fix the normal direction of a planar surface
▪ Constant R1 : Keep the radius of revolution of a torus constant
▪ Constant R2: Keep the radius of the section of a torus constant
▪ Constant angle: Keep the cone angle constant
▪ Fixed pole: Fix the apex of a cone
▪ Propagate through: Allow changes to a round surface and the neighbouring tangent surface to keep tangency
▪ Fix underlying edge: Fix a point on the underlying edge which has been rounded or chamfered
▪ Constant R: Keep the radius of a cylinder or sphere constant
▪ Keep spherical: Prevent a sphere from becoming a torus
10. Click Add to create a condition between the selected geometries.
Click Remove to remove a selected condition from the list of conditions.
Click Remove All to remove all the conditions from the list of conditions.
11. Select the Keep original geometry check box to keep a copy of the original geometry in addition to moving it. Available when Attach geometry check box is selected.
12. Depending on your selection in step 2, perform the following actions:
◦ If you have selected Choose Solution or Extend Side Surfaces in step 2, the following appears:
▪ To reattach the modified geometry to the same solid or quilt surface where it was originally attached, selected in step 1, keep the
Attach geometry check box selected. If Floating Dashboard is collapsed, click
| When the Attach geometry check box is not selected, the resulting geometry is a quilt. |
▪ To store the attachment properties when you reattach the modified geometry to the model, select the Store attachment properties check box. Available when Attach geometry check box is not selected. Attachment properties specify how a selected modified geometry reconnects to the rest of the model.
▪ To recreate the rounds or chamfers if they were a part of the original geometry and the modified geometry is attached to the surface, keep the Recreate rounds and chamfers check box selected. Available when Attach geometry check box is selected.
◦ If you have selected
Choose Solution in step 2, the
Solutions area appears. Click
one or more times to calculate new geometric solutions. Alternatively, select a pre calculated value from the adjacent list.
| • After computing several solutions if you move the geometry by dragging a handle, change the dragger reference, or modify the dimensions for the move operation, all the computed solutions are removed from the list. The new default solution is added to the list. • When you select bodies, quilts, or surfaces of bodies or quilts, the and are not available. |
13. To select a bounding edge reference:
a. Select the Attach geometry check box.
b. Click the Bounding edges collector.
c. Select one or more edges from the Graphics Window.
14. To preview one or more geometric solutions, click
one or more times. Or select a pre calculated value from the adjacent list.
15. Click Maintain rounds and chamfers check box to keep round and chamfer attributes (radius and type) connecting the selected geometry to the rest of the model.
If Maintain rounds and chamfers check box is not selected, then round or chamfer is treated as part of the selected geometry.
16. Middle-click to complete.