About Moving or Rotating Geometric Entities in Part and Assembly Modes
You can move or rotate geometric entities in part mode. You can move geometric entities along with components (parts and subassemblies) in assembly mode. You can perform these operations either individually or on a selected set of geometric entities or components. When you select all the components of a subassembly either using the CTRL key or box selection for moving, the entire subassembly, its components, and all their instances are moved.
Use one of the following methods for moving or rotating geometric entities or components:
Using the dragger—You can move geometry in part mode. In assembly mode you can move geometry, components, or both, individually or together using the handles of the dragger. The geometric entities that can be moved are faces, surfaces, and quilts.
When moving geometry, you can either extend the side faces or you can create new faces between the moved side faces and the original side faces.
When moving a geometric entity, if the dragger is attached to a planar surface, you can snap the moving entity to other geometric entities in the model. In assembly mode you can snap the moving geometric entity to geometric references on the active part or to other parts in the assembly.
In assembly mode, you can select the geometric entities and components simultaneously and move them using the dragger.
If you change the origin of the dragger during the move operation, the selected geometric entities move according to the updated location of the dragger.
Specifying linear or angular dimensions between two geometric entities—You can move a geometric entity by defining a dimensional relationship with another entity.
When moving geometric entities in part mode you can compute multiple solutions and use them one a time for moving and creating geometry.