Mini Toolbar for Sketch Dimensions
A mini toolbar for changing dimensions is displayed in the graphics area when you use a sketch tool or when you modify sketch geometry.
The following table describes the icons available on the mini toolbar in various Sketch tools.
Availability in Tool
Sets the dimension scheme to the Cartesian mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a pair of Cartesian (horizontal & vertical) dimensions. The previously available base point is preserved and used for the placement of Cartesian dimensions.
Line Arc/Chain
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Two Points)
Circle (Three Points)
Rectangle (Corner)
Rectangle (Center)
Rectangle (Slanted)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Arc (Three points)
Arc (Center and Ends)
Conic Arc
Sets the dimension scheme to the Polar mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a pair of Polar (distance & angle) dimensions. The previously available base point is preserved and used for the placement of Polar dimensions.
Line Arc/Chain
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Two Points)
Circle (Three Points)
Rectangle (Corner)
Rectangle (Center)
Rectangle (Slanted)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Arc (Three points)
Arc (Center and Ends)
Conic Arc
Automatically moves the base point used for currently displayed dimensions to the sketch origin. When the base point is relocated, values of dimensions measured from the base point are updated accordingly.
Line Arc/Chain
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Two Points)
Circle (Three Points)
Rectangle (Corner)
Rectangle (Center)
Rectangle (Slanted)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Arc (Three points)
Arc (Center and Ends)
Conic Arc
Changes the reference of the currently selected dimension. When the dimension reference is changed, the dimension value is updated accordingly.
Line Arc/Chain
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Two Points)
Circle (Three Points)
Rectangle (Corner)
Rectangle (Center)
Rectangle (Slanted)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Arc (Three points)
Arc (Center and Ends)
Conic Arc
Changes the location of the base point used as an origin for currently displayed dimensions. When the base point is relocated, values of dimensions measured from the base point are updated accordingly.
Line Arc/Chain
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Two Points)
Circle (Three Points)
Rectangle (Corner)
Rectangle (Center)
Rectangle (Slanted)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Arc (Three points)
Arc (Center and Ends)
Conic Arc
Locks the location of the base point. You can preserve the current base point and use it as a default for newly created sketch geometry either within the current sketch tool or within other sketch tools.
Line Arc/Chain
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Two Points)
Circle (Three Points)
Rectangle (Corner)
Rectangle (Center)
Rectangle (Slanted)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Arc (Three points)
Arc (Center and Ends)
Conic Arc
Changes the orientation of active linear dimension to slant, horizontal, or vertical.
When there is no active dimension or when the active dimension is not linear, the drop-down list is disabled.
Point, Line Arc/Chain, Circle (Center and Point), Circle (Two Points), Circle (Three Points), Rectangle (Corner), Rectangle (Center), Rectangle (Slanted), Parallelogram, Ellipse (Center and Axis), Ellipse (Two Points), Arc (Three points), Arc (Center and Ends), Conic Arc, Spline
This icon is not available in Circle(Tangent), Circle(Concentric), Arc(Tangent), Arc(Concentric), Circular Fillets, Chamfers
Switches the dimension scheme to the Radius mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a single radius dimension. The base point is not available in this mode.
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Three Points)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Arc (Three Points)
Switches the dimension scheme to the Diameter mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a single diameter dimension. The base point is not available in this mode.
Circle (Center and Point)
Circle (Three Points)
Ellipse (Center and Axis)
Ellipse (Two Points)
Switches the dimension scheme to the Arc Angle mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a single arc angle dimension. The base point is not available in this mode.
Arc (Center and Ends)
Switches the dimension scheme to the Arc Length mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a single arc length dimension. The base point is not available in this mode.
Arc (Center and Ends)
Switches the dimension scheme to the Width/Height mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a pair of currently displayed dimensions: Width and Height. The base point is not available in this mode.
Rectangle (Center)
Switches the dimension scheme to the Radius/Angle mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a pair of radius and angle dimensions. The base point is not available in this mode
Line/Arc Chain creation
Switches the dimension scheme to the D-Angle mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a pair of dimensions — angular and linear.
Switches the dimension scheme to the Angle-D mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by another pair of dimensions – angular and linear.
Switches the dimension scheme to the D-D mode. When this command is launched, currently displayed dimensions are removed and substituted by a pair of linear dimensions.