About Working with 2D Geometry
You start modeling in part mode by creating 2D geometry or a sketch as the basis for 3D geometry. Click the 2D button on the status bar to open a geometry creation tool to create 2D geometry. The top plane is displayed as the default reference plane in the graphics window. Use the buttons in the Sketch group to create 2D geometry.
Remember the following points while working with 2D geometry:
All the sketches are created as unconstrained sketches by default. However, same-point constraints are introduced in sketches with coincident endpoints.
A customizable sketching grid appears by default.
A sketching plane is dynamically displayed when you prehighlight planar entities such as a surface or a datum reference for creating 2D geometry. This gives an idea of the orientation of the sketching plane, the entities that will be split, or the entities coplanar to the sketching plane.
Sketching guides and mini toolbar appears when creating geometric entities.
Intersecting geometry created as sketch references are displayed in the graphics window. Sketching references are not displayed.