QuickStart Projects > Reorganize an assembly
Reorganize an assembly
Difficulty: First-time user
Create a new product assembly
Click File > Open to load Stereo.pk2.
Problems with the file: If the file you download has a .zip extension, you will not be able to load it in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling until you change the file extension to .pk2. For example, you should change Stereo.zip to Stereo.pk2.
If you receive a warning that you have too many parts, you may have other parts loaded. Don't worry about it for this project.
In the Structure Browser, expand the stereo_system assembly as shown in the image below.
What's the Structure Browser: The Structure Browser is a Bill of Materials: your list of parts, assemblies, and other 3D elements that make up a product.
Clear the Amplifier check box, as shown in the second image below. You can see that the Light Emitting Diode (LEDs) aren't part of the assembly, as shown in the first image below.
Move the last LED, led 6.2, to the Amplifier assembly: use a drag-and-drop operation, as shown in the image below.
Move the a1.1 LED subassembly to the Amplifier assembly using a drag-and-drop operation.
Move the Amplifier assembly such that it is the top level assembly, as shown in the image below.
Delete the stereo_system assembly: right-click and select Delete.
Click the Amplifier check box.
Now you can use the Amplifier assembly as the basis for a new product.
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