The work area (user interface) > Viewports > Drawlist > Show single objects in a viewport's drawing list
Show single objects in a viewport's drawing list
This is the same as first hiding all objects and then specifying specific objects to show, but it is done in a single action. This feature is particularly useful when working with large assemblies and you want quickly to hide all the objects except the one you are working on.
1. Open the Structure Browser.
2. Right-click in the structure browser and click Drawlist > Draw Only.
3. Click to highlight the object's icon in the Structure Browser.
4. Click Apply.
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling shows the specified object. You can of course make multiple selections by holding down the [Ctrl] key while selecting objects to add to the drawlist.
You can also first select the objects to add to the drawlist, and then click Draw Only. You do not click Apply in this case.