The work area (user interface) > Viewports > Clipping planes > Set camera clipping planes
Set camera clipping planes
You can define front and back Camera clipping planes. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling does not display anything outside the two clipping planes. They are always parallel to the viewport and are not positioned relative to the model.
To set camera clipping planes,
1. Right-click in the viewport and select Viewport Properties. The Vport: vport1 dialog box opens.
2. Click Camera in the Clip Planes section.
3. Click the Front checkbox to enable the front Camera clipping plane.
4. Click in the viewport to position the front clipping plane.
5. Click the Back checkbox to enable the back Camera clipping plane.
6. Click in the viewport to position the back clipping plane.
The clipping planes are always perpendicular to the viewing direction. The front clipping plane cannot be positioned behind the back clipping plane and the back clipping plane cannot be positioned in front of the front clipping plane.
When you first switch on the front clipping plane it is set at a negative value to indicate that it is in front of the model. Clicking Fit resets the clipping planes to default.