Reference Topics > Example: Identifying the interference with three clashing parts
Example: Identifying the interference with three clashing parts
Create an assembly similar to the following, such that there are three interfering parts.
1. Click Analysis and then, in the Verify group, click the arrow next to Clash/Clearance.
2. Click Clash. The Clash dialog box opens.
3. Click All in List in Clash.
4. Click Select.
5. Click All at Top. The Parts box displays the selected parts: p3/p2/p1.
6. Click View.
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling displays a viewport showing the interference volume in red, as in the following:
An output window is also displayed telling you which parts interfere with another. The list is structured such that each clashing part is identified.
To close the output window, click Close. To close the temporary viewport, click OK.