Organize parts and assemblies > Create a new part, assembly, or container
Create a new part, assembly, or container
Containers can be used to store parts, assemblies, and associated tools such as workplanes, and workplane sets. Although the preferred owner of a container is a part, containers can also be owned by assemblies.
1. Click Structure and then, in the Part & Assembly group, click New Part, or New Assembly. The Create New Part or Create New Assy dialog box opens respectively.
2. To create a new container,
a. Click Structure and then, in the Part & Assembly group, click More.
b. Click New Container in the Tools section. The Create New Cont dialog box opens.
3. In any of the open dialog box, type a new Name.
4. Optional: Click Model Name and type a name. Model Name is the contents file name for the element when you save 3D Data files.
5. Optional: Type the name of a parent assembly in Owner if you want this element created as part of an existing assembly.
6. Click to complete the operation.