Reference Topics > Blend tips and advanced techniques
Blend tips and advanced techniques
Blend suppression tips
A Modify 3D operation needs to redo a blend adjacent to the modified faces. However the blend could not be suppressed because its structure may have been destroyed by a previous modeling operation.
Possible Solutions:
Try to remove the blend with a machining or align command (picture 2) and recreate the blend after performing the Modify 3D operation (picture 4).
Try to switch off Redo Blend if the intent of the modification allows.
Try to use the Redo Blend control mechanism in order to avoid the suppression of the blends that could not be suppressed.
Redo blend tips
A Modify 3D operation needs to redo a blend adjacent to modified faces. The blends could not be recreated after performing the Modify 3D operation (picture 1). This might happen because:
The Modify 3D operation created new edges that would also need blending.
The Modify 3D operation did not leave enough space for the blend to be fitted into the model.
Possible Solutions:
Try to remove the blend before the operation. Perform the requested operation and apply the modified (in this example, the smaller) blend as necessary afterwards (picture 2). Add blend radii to the newly created edges.
Try to use the Redo Blend control mechanism in order to avoid suppression of the failing blends if the intent of the modification allows.