Create and modify 3D models > Make a 3D model > Examples > Example: Stamping several parts
Example: Stamping several parts
In this example you will stamp profiles in workplane w3 (not the active workplane) into the three parts 1, 2, and 3. You will not keep the workplane or profile for the next task. Shown below are the workplane and profiles and the resulting parts.
After creating the workplane and profile:
1. Click Modeling and then, in the Model group, click the arrow next to Remove.
2. Click Stamp. The Punch Stamp dialog box opens.
3. Specify the workplane to use:
a. Click Workplane.
b. Click the border of workplane w3. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling displays the name of the workplane in the Workplane data entry field.
4. Specify the parts to machine:
a. Click Parts.
b. Click Select.
c. Click Start (in List).
d. Click parts 1, 2, and 3.
e. To complete the list of parts, click End (in List). Creo Elements/Direct Modeling highlights the parts in the graphics area.
5. Click Keep WP off.
6. Click to complete the operation. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling stamps the parts, modifying the three parts and creating a fourth part.