You can enter mathematical expressions in fields that require a numeric value, such as length, radius, or distance. You can also enter the expression in the user input line. These expressions can include:
• +, -, *, /
• sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
• sqrt (square root)
• ^ (power: x^y where y is an integer)
• exp (e^x)
• PI (or lower-case pi)
• bracket terms
• floor(n) (highest integer less than or equal to n; rounds n down to the next integer)
• ceil(n) (smallest integer not less than n; rounds n up to the next integer)
• 3*(5.5+17.2) = 68.1
• sin(45)+3*11.4 = 34.907106781186549
• tan(45) = 1.0
• 1.5^3 = 3.375
• floor(42.17) = 42
• ceil(28.17) = 29
• floor(-2.3) = -3
• ceil(-2.7) = -2
• A mathematical expression can't contain spaces or it will be evaluated as a LISP expression.
• LISP variables are not supported in mathematical expressions. For example, (setq a 5) a+3*1.7 returns a LISP error. However, you can still enter LISP expressions into the user input line as you have always done.
• You can't specify unit types in your expressions; values are in current units. For example, 3in+5mm returns a LISP error.
• The last value stored in a data field history is the result of the expression and not the expression itself. Whereas the history list of the enter-command line stores the expression itself and not the result.
• Expressions cannot be used in accumulated data types like vectors. For example, 0,2*3 is not possible.