Organize parts and assemblies > Move objects with a configuration > Explode an assembly
Explode an assembly
The most common type of configuration is an exploded view of an assembly. You can easily create exploded views with intelligent positioning options that automatically move your parts.
To explode an assembly,
1. Click Structure and then, in the Configurations group, click Explode. The Explode dialog box opens.
2. Select a configuration in the Structure Browser or click New Config to create a new configuration.
3. Set the following options:
Objects: The models you want to move. To change the default, click Objects then select parts or assemblies in the viewport or Structure Browser.
One Level: When selected, all sub-assemblies are moved as a unit. When not selected, all parts are moved individually.
Show Move Feedback: Displays graphical indications of the movement and directions in the viewport.
4. Select an explosion Mode and Scale:
Align Axes: Constrains objects with coincident axial faces to explode along their common axes. Objects without coincident axial faces are exploded spherically.
Spherical: Moves all objects in all directions, away from the explosion center.
Cylindrical: Moves objects away from an axis in a radial pattern. If you set the Scale to 1, the objects will move away from the axis in a simple radial pattern. If you set the Scale to a number greater than 1, the objects will move away from the axis and away from the explosion center.
By Direction: Moves objects along a straight line, away from the explosion center.
Scale: The explosion factor along a ray from the explosion center.
Radial Scale: The explosion factor along a radius. Only available when you select the Spherical or Cylindrical mode.
5. Set the Explode Center:
Default: The center of movement is the average of the box centers of the objects that will be exploded.
by Object: The center of movement is at the box center of the object you select. The selected object will not move.
by Pick: The center of movement is at the point you select. You can select any point on a model in the viewport.
6. Click Explode. The parts move according to the options you selected. You can click this button multiple times to move the parts farther from the explosion center. Click Back to go back one step.
7. Click Pos Dynamic if you want to move parts manually.
8. Click to complete the operation.