You can copy a configuration, with position, drawlist, and camera information as desired. This is helpful if you want two configurations with the same positions, but with different camera views, drawlists, or part positions.
If you want to copy a configuration to view it side-by-side with the original or with another configuration, see
Share a configuration into a container.
You can merge a configuration with another configuration, which is at a higher level or at a same level, but not at a lower level, to integrate the position information of the two configurations.
For example, if you have one configuration to move the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock and another configuration to move the digit 3, you can:
1. Activate the first configuration (move the hour hand and the minute hand) as shown in the following figure. For information about activating configurations, see
Activate or deactivate a configuration.
Fig: Moving hour hand and the minute hand before the merge operation.
2. Merge the second configuration (move the digit 3) with the first configuration (move the hour hand and the minute hand).
3. After the merge operation, moving the hour hand and the minute hand (activate the first configuration) also moves the digit 3 as shown in the following figure.
Fig: Moving hour hand and the minute hand after the merge operation.
To copy a configuration,
1. Click Structure and then, in the Configurations group, click More.
2. Under Modify, click Copy. The Copy Configuration dialog box opens.
You can toggle (switch) between Copy and Merge to open the Copy Configuration or Merge Configuration dialog boxes, respectively.
3. Select the Source configuration which you want to copy.
The source configuration is typically a lower-level configuration.
4. Select an Owner (an assembly) for the copy operation. If you copy a configuration to a different assembly, the configuration will only include the parts owned by the new assembly.
5. Type a Name for the copy or maintain the default name.
6. Select the following options, as needed:
◦ Copy Position information: Adds positions to the new configuration. If you do not select this option, the parts will be set to their standard positions.
◦ Copy Drawlist Information: Adds drawlist information to the new configuration.
◦ Copy Camera Information: Adds the camera position and other information to the new configuration.
7. Click to complete the operation.
To merge a configuration,
1. Click Structure and then, in the Configurations group, click More.
2. Under Modify, click Merge. The Merge Configuration dialog box opens.
3. Select a Target configuration for the merge operation. The selected configuration is highlighted in the viewport as shown in the following image.
A target is typically a higher level configuration.
4. Select the Source configuration which you want to merge.
The source configuration is typically a lower-level configuration.
5. Click to complete the operation.
If you merge a configuration, only positions information is added to the configuration. The drawlist information and camera information is not added to the configuration.