The work area (user interface) > Available Shortcuts browser
Available Shortcuts browser
When you start Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, the Available Shortcuts browser appears in the upper-right corner of the viewport. By default, the Available Shortcuts browser displays keyboard shortcuts for utility commands and a short description of each shortcut.
Depending on the current context and cursor location, the shortcuts in the Available Shortcuts browser change. For example, the shortcuts change if you select elements in the viewport or start a command. You can use the shortcuts for fast and easy interaction with Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.
You can also use the shortcuts in the Available Shortcuts browser to start commands as an alternative to clicking buttons on the Option Mini Toolbar (OMT). For example, when you draw a line on a workplane, you can use a shortcut (press X on the keyboard) displayed in the Available Shortcuts browser to start the Linear Bisector command.
You can control the visibility and position of the Available Shortcuts browser in the following ways:
To turn the Available Shortcuts browser on or off, click on the Status Bar.
To dock the Available Shortcuts browser, right-click in the Available Shortcuts browser and choose Docked on the context menu. The Available Shortcuts browser docks on the left side with the Structure Browser.
To undock the Available Shortcuts browser, right-click in the docked Available Shortcuts browser and choose Docked from the context menu.
To pin the Available Shortcuts browser to a position in the viewport, click on the bottom-right corner of the Available Shortcuts browser.