The template used by Creo Elements/Direct Annotation to draw BOM tables is called the BOM layout. These are saved sketches that are registered to be used as the base for new BOM tables. Registered layouts are automatically loaded into Creo Elements/Direct Annotation and are listed in the Sketch Layout table. The default layouts are Company, DIN, and ISO; but you can design any number of layouts.
The easiest way to design a new layout is to base it upon an existing one. After saving the new layout sketch, click Discard Changes to ignore the changes to the original layout.
To configure a BOM layout,
1. Click Insert and then, in the BOM group, click the arrow next to Layout.
2. Click BOM Table Layout. The Config BOM dialog box opens along with the Sketch Layout table.
3. Specify the BOM layout to edit:
◦ Enter the layout name in the Edit box.
◦ Click Edit and select the layout from the Sketch Layout table.
The selected layout is displayed in a new, temporary active sheet 0.
4. Edit the sketch as required, adding or modifying text, geometry, other sketches, and so on. Assigning text references is described in
Create text references.
5. When you have finished editing the layout, click one of the following:
Accept Changes
Saves the changes to the layout for the current Creo Elements/Direct Annotation session. (To use the new layout in future sessions, you have to save the sketch to file and register it as a BOM layout.)
Discard Changes
Ignores the changes to the layout. The original layout is retained.
After clicking Accept Changes or Discard Changes, sheet 0 is automatically deleted. If you want to continue editing the layout later, you can click in the menu to keep sheet 0. You would do this, for example, to save the layout sketch to file, and then reopen the Config BOM dialog box to accept or discard the changes to the original layout. (Sheet 0 can also be deleted manually.)
A customized layout is only valid for the current Creo Elements/Direct Annotation session unless you save the sketch and then register it as a BOM layout.
To assign text references to a layout,
Dedicated BOM text references can be assigned to text in a layout, similarly to generic text references. The selected text is replaced with the value of the text reference.
1. Click Insert and then, in the BOM group, click the arrow next to Layout.
2. Click BOM Table Layout. The Config BOM dialog box opens along with the Sketch Layout table.
3. In the Config BOM dialog box, click Assign in the Text References section.
The BOM Text Reference Types table opens.
4. Click the text reference type to assign so that it is highlighted in the table.
5. Click the text in the BOM layout to replace with the text reference.
6. Continue assigning text references, or click in the Config BOM dialog box to complete the operation.
To delete text references,
Click Unassign in the Config BOM dialog box and click text references to be removed in the BOM layout. A removed text reference is replaced with its value at the last update.
The BOM text reference types table
The BOM Text Reference Types table displays all the text references available to assign to layouts of BOM tables and position flags. You can register new text references to be available in the table.
Text reference types are listed in the table in the order they were registered. However, you can control what is displayed by applying a filter over the column data. Right-click the Type column header to open the Column Filter box, and set (or clear) filters.