Creo Expert Moldbase Extension > Cooling Components > About Cooling Components
About Cooling Components
Connectors, plugs, and o-rings are used as cooling components to complete the waterline inside a mold base. To define a cooling component, click the EMX Components tab and in the Cooling Component group, select a command described below:
Waterline Designer—Dynamically create cooling circuits.
Cooling Component—Defines a new cooling component.
Show waterline—Create a model that contains the full cooling circuits as surface copies.
Assemble a waterline curve—Assembles a waterline curve.
Change diameter of all cooling holes—Modifies the diameter of all waterline holes.
Change diameter of selected cooling holes—Modifies the diameter of single waterline holes.
Delete entire waterline—Deletes all waterline components and holes.
From the Cooling Component dialog box, you can select the Counterbore and Second Diameter check boxes to assign a counterbore or a second diameter to all cooling bores. To define the depth of the bore, in the Define depth by list, select one of the following:
Enter value—Enter a value.
Use model thickness—Measure the model thickness and calculate bore depth using a UDF value.
Use curve length—Measure the selected curve length as a placement reference and calculate bore depth using a UDF value.