About Cooling Components
Connectors, plugs, and o-rings are used as cooling components to complete the waterline inside a mold base. To define a cooling component, click the EMX Components tab and in the Cooling Component group, select a command described below:
Waterline Designer—Dynamically create cooling circuits.
Cooling Component—Defines a new cooling component.
Show waterline—Create a model that contains the full cooling circuits as surface copies.
Assemble a waterline curve—Assembles a waterline curve.
• —Modifies the diameter of all waterline holes.
• —Modifies the diameter of single waterline holes.
• Delete entire waterline—Deletes all waterline components and holes.
From the Cooling Component dialog box, you can select the Counterbore and Second Diameter check boxes to assign a counterbore or a second diameter to all cooling bores. To define the depth of the bore, in the Define depth by list, select one of the following:
• Enter value—Enter a value.
• Use model thickness—Measure the model thickness and calculate bore depth using a UDF value.
• Use curve length—Measure the selected curve length as a placement reference and calculate bore depth using a UDF value.