Editing ThingWorx Utilities Entities
Most entities provided with the ThingWorx Utilities are read-only, but can be duplicated and customized.
The following entities can be edited:
  • PTC.BPE.BusinessProcessNotifier— Mail server configuration for User Task Mashup emails
  • PTC.BPE.UserTaskHelper— Additional configuration regarding User Task Mashup emails
  • TW.RSM.SFW.Thing.MailServer— Mail server configuration for ThingWorx Software Content Management notifications
  • TW.RSM.SFW.Thing.SoftwareUtils— Sets “from” email for notifications
  • PTC.Asset.AssetDashboardHelper— Configuration for menu items
  • PTC.Asset.AssetSearchHelper— Configuration for menu items
To edit read-only entities, use the following procedure.
  1. To customize an entity, select the checkbox for the entity in the list and click Duplicate.
  2. On the General Information page, select the Info view.
  3. Enter a name and replace the description and tags with your own.
  4. Edit the copy as needed.
    Depending on the entity, customization may require updates to references from other entities as well.