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Lifecycle Insights eBook Series: Challenges and Trends in PDM

PDM for Smaller Designs Teams and Mid-Sized Manufacturers

To be competitive, you have to be organized. Designers no longer have the time to spend manually searching for models and drawings spread across an organization. And recreating designs because the original is lost isn’t good for anyone’s bottom line.

Efficient data management is key, and its impact may be especially powerful in smaller organizations. But these same companies need solutions that they can deploy faster than enterprise software, delivering return on investment (ROI) in weeks.

Mid-sized manufacturers, on the other hand, need PDM solutions that connect sites and scale with their growing needs.

In this series of eBooks, globally recognized analyst firm Lifecycle Insights reviews the alternatives available to product designers today. It explores their challenges, and looks at the next generation of PDM and what it holds for small- and medium-sized product design companies.

Download the eBooks to learn more.