
Task 7. Assemble the bolt with predefined component interfaces.



    Pro/ENGINEER has the ability to store common assembly references into existing parts to ease in the assembly process.
    This functionality is very useful for library components like nuts, bolts, and washers.

  1. Select Component Assemble  icon in the right side toolbar.

  2. From the Open dialog box, select HEX_BOLT.PRT as the part to assemble and select Open.   Notice that when the bolt appears in the assembly, there are already assembly reference tags on the bolt (insert, mate).


     The bolt was predefined with component interface information stored with the part.

  3. Orient the model to better select the lower left hole on the transmission cover. Roll the scroll button toward you to zoom in.  Use SHIFT + MIDDLE-DRAG to pan the model to the center of the screen. Use MIDDLE-DRAG to rotate the model.

  4. Select the cylindrical surface of the bolt hole as shown in the figure below.

  5. Select the top surface of the washer as shown in the figure below to complete the placement. Notice how the bolt snaps into place without selecting any references on the bolt.

  6. Select Complete Component from the dashboard.

  7. Select Repaint  icon on the main toolbar.

  8. Select CTRL + D to reorient the model into the default orientation.