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Simple Structure

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This example illustrates how Behavioral Modeling and Pro/MECHANICA can be used together to achieve designs that meet both geometric and functional criteria. While the model is abstract, a generic structure consisting of a plate and a boss, it simulates the conditions of any structure that is supported vertically or lifted at the center of gravity. A window washer's platform for a tall building, an elevator, and a military vehicle that is lifted by a helicopter for transport to a new location are potential examples of this application. The design objectives are to align the center of gravity with the axis of the boss and design the boss to meet structural requirements.

An analysis feature that ties the axis of the boss to the center of gravity of the structure assembly is created to illustrate that, when the model is updated during an optimization in Pro/MECHANICA over functional criteria (structural, vibrational, or thermal), alignment of the boss to the center of gravity updates automatically. That is, both functional and geometric goals are achieved.

This problem outlines an interesting way to interface between Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA. Behavioral Modeling was used to create a smart model that knows it wants the boss axis at the center of gravity. However, the design is then driven from outside of Behavioral Modeling. That is, rather than regenerating the model from within Pro/ENGINEER and calling Pro/MECHANICA through an external analysis feature, the model is driven (regenerated) from within Pro/MECHANICA.

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