The unique identifier assigned to the block. While an identifier is assigned to a block when you insert it, you can change it to any unique value. The format for the assigned identifier is specified by RBD Block Identifier, which appears under Identifiers in the System file properties. For more information, see Identifiers System File Properties. This field is also shown on the General page in the block’s Calculation Properties window.
The name assigned to the block. This field is also shown on the General page in the block’s Calculation Properties window.
Part Number
The part number assigned to the block. This field is also shown on the General page in the Calculation Properties window for the block.
The name of the diagram in which the block appears.
Failure Distribution
The distribution to use to model failure times when the component is in operation. The default is Exponential with a failure rate of 0. When you click in this field, a browse button appears. Clicking it opens the Distribution window, where you select the distribution and specify input parameters. If the block is linked to another item in the System file, this field is display-only because the failure rate information for the component comes from the item to which the block is linked. This field is also shown on the Failure page in the block’s Calculation Properties window.
The total number of units present in the system. The default is 1. For Redundancy Type to be available, the quantity must be greater than 1. This field is also shown on the Redundancy page in the block’s Calculation Properties window.
Redundancy Type
The type of redundancy when the quantity is greater than 1. Choices are described in Redundancy Types. The type that you select determines what other options become available. This field is also shown on the Redundancy page in the block’s Calculation Properties window.
Quantity Required
The number of units required for operation. This field is available when the quantity is greater than 1 and the redundancy type is other than series (which has no redundancy). To indicate redundancy, the number of units required for operation must be less than the total number of units present in the system. For example, to have a one-out-of-two (1::2) parallel redundancy, you enter 2 for Quantity and 1 for Quantity Required. This field is also shown on the Redundancy page in the block’s Calculation Properties window.
Component is Repairable or Replaceable
Indicates if the component is repairable or replaceable. When this checkbox is cleared (default), the component is not repairable or replaceable. When it is selected, the component is repairable or replaceable. This checkbox is also shown on the Corrective Maintenance page in the block’s Calculation Properties window. When it is selected here or on the Corrective Maintenance page, options for specifying repair and/or replacement information become available.
Restoration Time
The distribution to use to model the repair time. This field is available when the Component is Repairable or Replaceable is selected. When you click in this field, a browse button appears. Clicking it opens the Distribution window, where you select the distribution, specify input parameters, and supply a renewal percentage. This field is also shown on the Corrective Maintenance page in the Calculation Properties window for the block.
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In the figure shown earlier in this topic, the RBD Blocks table for the Tablet PC Sample Project displays the default fields for the RBD Blocks table. However, the Quantity Required column has been reordered to appear before the Redundancy Type column.