Entering MIL-HDBK-217 SMT Interconnect Assemblies
The following table describes the part parameters required for connectors in the SMT Interconnect Assy subcategory when the MIL-HDBK-217 FN2 model is selected for the calculation.
Design Life Cycle
The design life cycle of the equipment in which the circuit board is operating.
Equipment Type
Choice List
The type of equipment in which the circuit board is operating. Many different choices are available.
Cycling Rate Override
Generally, this field is left at #.## so that the cycling rate is calculated. Each equipment type is associated with a certain number of temperature cycles per hour. If you enter a value for this parameter, this value is used in place of a calculated cycling rate.
Max Joint Distance
The distance from the center of the device to the furthest solder joint. The units are 0.001 inches.
Joint Height
The solder joint height for leadless devices only. The units are mils. For Lead Configuration, you indicate the type of configuration. For leaded devices, 8 mils is used, regardless of what is entered in this field.
Board Substrate
Choice List
The substrate material of which the board is made. Many different choice are available. Choices include FR-4 items, Ceramic items, and more.
Package Substrate
Choice List
The type of package substrate material. Choices are:
Lead Configuration
Choice List
The types of leads on the packages. Choices are:
J or S Lead
Gull Wing
[Temperature Parameters]
For more information, see Comprehensive Temperature Parameters.
[Derating Parameters]
For more information, see Derating Parameters.
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