Add Derating Record Window
The Add Derating Record window provides for inserting a record in the Derating Definition pane of the Derating file. The following table describes the options in this window. For more information, see Inserting a Derating Record.
Calculation Model
The model for which to enter derating criteria for the part specified by the fields below. Under Prediction in the file properties for the Prediction Derating file, Calculation model specifies the default model. For more information, see Prediction Support File Properties. However, you can select any model for which you have a license. The model selected affects the list available for Parameter. This allows you to enter defaults for the part parameters required by different models for the same part in the Prediction Derating file.
The category of the part. All General part categories supported by the selected model appear in the list.
The subcategory of the part. The subcategories that appear in the list depend on the category selected. All provides for setting the same derating options for all subcategories. You can insert records for specific subcategories and then insert an additional record with All selected so that this record is then used for all remaining subcategories. For a specific subcategory record, the derating criteria specified in the Derating Data pane are used. For the All subcategory record, the derating criteria specified in the Derating Data pane for all subcategories that have not been specifically defined are used.
The type of part. The items that appear in the list depend on the subcategory selected. All provides for setting the same derating options for all available types. You can insert records for specific types and then insert an additional record with All selected so that this record is then used for all remaining types. For a specific part type record, the derating criteria specified in the Derating Data pane is used. For the All part type record, the derating criteria specified in the Derating Data pane for all part types that have not been specifically defined are used.
The parameter for which to specify derating criteria in the Derating Data pane. The items in the choice list depend on the model/category/subcategory/type combination.
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