View Properties
When View is the page selected in the Graph Properties window, you can set the margins on all sides of the graph. You an also set the chart orientation.
If Use default is selected beneath the margin properties (default), all of the properties under this heading are unavailable. In this case, when you resize the graph, the margins change because they are automatically resized in proportion to the graph. If you clear this checkbox, margin properties become available. In this case, when you resize the graph, the margins always remain the size indicated for these properties.
The number of pixels for the top margin. The default is 70.
The number of pixels for the left margin. The default is 100.
The number of pixels for the bottom margin. The default is 70.
The number of pixels for the right margin. The default is 100.
Chart Orientation
Indicates how to position the chart on the page. Choices are Horizontal and Vertical. The default is Horizontal.
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