Manually Backing Up a File from the Project Navigator
You can manually back up a file from the file selection or file open state of the Project Navigator. For more information, see
Project Navigator States.
1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the file and select Back Up File.
In the
Options window, > whether the
Backup Remarks window opens when you are manually backing up a file from the Project Navigator. When this checkbox is selected, this window opens. For more information, see
General User Options.
2. If the Backup Remarks window opens, do the following:
a. Enter any notes or comments about the backup file.
In the
Project Properties window, system administrators can view remarks entered for all backups of a file in the
File Backups pane. For more information, see
Project Properties Window.
b. If you do not want this window to open again, select Do not prompt for remarks when backing up file.
This clears > in the
Options window. If you wanted to have this window open once again, you would have to select this user option. For more information, see
General User Options.
c. Click OK.
If the file is a large System file, a window opens to indicate that backing up the file might take a long time. You must click Yes to confirm that you want to continue.
In this case, a Backing up file window opens. As the file is backed up, the status bar in this window might reset. The time to completion depends on the size of the file. You would click Stop if you wanted to cancel the backup. Once the backup is complete, a window opens to indicate this. You would click OK to close it.