The following table describes the properties that can appear under Format in the Properties window for a report object. For descriptions of the properties that appear under this heading when a report section is selected, see Report Section Properties.
Blank format
What to display when no value is available for a numeric field. You can choose to leave the field blank or have N/A (Not Applicable) shown. This property appears only for a numeric data field.
Decimal places
The number of decimal places to display. This property appears only for a numeric field. The default is that specified for the field in the Data Definition file.
The way in which to display values. This property appears for a numeric, date, or yes/no field. Choices depend on which type of field is selected.
List format
The way in which to display list items. This property appears for a text field that has a list attached. Choices are Code, Code and Text, Symbol and Text, Symbol Only, and Text. The default is Text.
Text alignment
The horizontal alignment for the text. This property appears for an object that contains text. Choices are Center, Left, or Right. The default is Left.
Text orientation
Indicates if the text is horizontally or vertically or oriented on the page. This property appears for a label. Choices are Horizontal and Vertical. The default is Horizontal.
Graph is a special field that you insert in a Report Design file that displays a graph. For more information, see Creating a Report Design File that Displays a Graph from the Project Navigator. The following table describe the properties that appear under Format when this special field is selected.
Display saved graph data
Indicates whether to generate new graph results or use the graph results saved in the Graph Template file when the Report Design file is used to print or preview a report. When this checkbox is cleared (default), new graph results are generated. When it is selected, saved graph results are used.
Graph Template
Specifies the Graph Template file to use for the graph.
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