Creating a Project from the Project Navigator
In the Project Navigator, the Create new Project command is available in the Navigator Tasks pane in both the Project/System selection and file selection states. However, if you click this command in the file selection state, the Project Navigator closes the open Project, which returns it to the Project/System selection state. Once in the Project/System selection state, the Project Navigator opens the Create Project window. For more information, see Project Navigator States.
Because the creation of a Project also results in the creation of a System file, you want to license all modules that you want to include in this file prior to beginning the Project creation process. For more information, see Changing the Modules Licensed for a Session.
1. To open the Create Project window from the Project Navigator, do one of the following:
In the Navigator Tasks pane, click Create new Project.
Right-click in any empty area of the Projects pane and select Create Project.
2. Complete this window. For more information, see Create Project Window.
3. When finished, click OK to create the Project and its default set of files.
Once the Project is created, the default System file opens. Tabbed panes are shown for all modules that you have selected for use. You can use the Module Selections toolbar to change your selections. For more information, see Module Selections Toolbar.
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