ALT Plot Options for an Accelerated Degradation Data Set
When an accelerated degradation data set is selected in the LDA Navigator, in the ALT Plot Options pane, Groups to plot displays all groups that are inserted in the ALT Data Points pane in alphabetical order. You select the groups to include in the Degradation vs Time plot. You can click the Select All button or Clear All button to select or clear all groups and then customize your selections from there. Once you calculate the data set, the ALT Plot pane displays the Degradation vs Time plot.
In the Degradation vs Time plot, the gray horizontal line indicates the critical degradation value. When you place the mouse cursor over a plot line for a group, a tooltip displays the time and degradation value for the nearest data point. If you later modify any parameter values or groups selections, you must recalculate the data set to update the Degradation versus Time plot.
Properties for ALT plots can be modified in the same way as Weibull plots. For more information, see
Plot Properties.