Reviewing Gate and Event Properties
All gates and events have properties associated with them. You can edit the properties of a gate or event by double-clicking it. Or, you can right-click it and select Properties. To review these properties:
1. In the FTA Diagram, double-click TS-1, which is a basic event with a description of Temperature Sensor Failure. The Properties window opens.
2. In the left pane, click the following pages to review properties on the various pages.
◦ General — Displays the event type and identifying text.
◦ Calculation Data — Displays information about the event’s quantitative properties that is used during fault tree calculations.
◦ Library Event — Displays information about the library associated with this event. In this case, no information is shown as this event was not inserted from a library.
◦ Graphic — Enables you to associate a graphic image of your choosing with the event.
◦ User Properties — Provides extra data fields you can use for any purpose you desire.
◦ Remarks — Allows you to enter a lengthy notation about this particular event.
3. Click Cancel to close the Properties window.
4. Double-click BAT-FIRE, which is an OR gate with a description of Battery catches on fire. This gate is the fault tree’s top gate. The Properties window opens.
Gates have four additional property pages: Inputs, Cut Sets, Reliability Importance Measures, and FTA Results.
The Inputs page provides a table view of all the events and gates that are inputs to this gate. The last three pages display calculation results. If calculations have not yet been run, no data appears on these pages.
5. Click Cancel to close the Properties window.