SQL Server Database Conversion
To convert data from a previous SQL Server database:
1. If you have not yet completed the first two pages of the Windchill Risk and Reliability Conversion Wizard, do the following:
a. On the Select File Type page, select Database system and click Next.
b. On the Database System Selection page, specify the path to the application folder with the database to convert.
▪ If you installed Windchill Risk and Reliability on the same computer as your previous version, the default path is to the application folder for your previous version.
▪ If you installed it on a different computer, use the browse button to navigate to and select the application folder for your previous version.
c. Once the appropriate path is specified, click Next. The Conversion Changes page appears. Clicking the link on this page opens this same content in a PDF file.
2. Click Next. The Automatic or Manual Conversion page appears. The first option, Windchill Risk and Reliability will do all of the conversion work, is selected by default.
The following steps describe the pages that appear for automatic conversion. Pages that appear for manual conversion are explained in the note at the end of this topic.
3. With Windchill Risk and Reliability will do all of the conversion work selected, click Next to continue with the automatic conversion. The Database Server Selection page appears.
4. Select the appropriate option, referring to the following descriptions and information for completing subsequent pages for specifying server information:
◦ Save my data on the same database server—When you select this option, the new installation is to use the computer that is the database server for the previous installation. For each database instance, a Database Server Information page is shown.
▪ On each page, you enter a DBA user name and password for the database server. You also enter the path to the local directory in which the wizard is to back up and restore your databases.
▪ After you complete the Database Server Information page for your last database instance and click Next, either the Select Attachments Folder page or Convert Backups page appears.
▪ The Select Attachments Folder page appears only if the default path for the Attachments folder was overridden with a custom path in your previous installation. In this case, go to step 5.
▪ Otherwise, the Convert Backups page appears. Go to step 6.
◦ Save my data to a different database server—When you select this option and click Next, the new installation is to use a different computer as the database server. For each database, the Source Server Information page and Destination Server Information page are shown.
▪ On the Source Server Information page, you enter the information required to back up databases on the source server. This includes the following:
▪ The DBA user name and password for the server
▪ The path for the local directory in which to back up databases
▪ The UNC path to the local directory from which to copy backup databases
▪ On the subsequent Destination Server Information page, you enter the information required to restore databases on the destination server. This includes the following:
▪ The DBA user name and password for the destination server
▪ The path for the local directory in which to restore the databases
▪ The UNC path to the local directory to which to copy backup databases
▪ After you complete these two pages for your last database and click Next. either the Select Attachments Folder page or Convert Backups page appears.
▪ The Select Attachments Folder page appears only if the default path for the Attachments folder was overridden with a custom path in your previous installation. In this case, go to step 5.
▪ Otherwise, the Convert Backups page appears. Go to step 6.
5. If the Select Attachments Folder page appears, specify the path to a new folder into which to copy the attachments from your previous installation and click Next. The Convert Backups page appears.
6. On the Convert Backups page, indicate which backup files to convert. Four options are present:
◦ None
◦ Only those I created
◦ Only those automatically created
◦ All
7. After selecting the desired option, click Next. The page that appears depends on whether a personal Filter file and options are found.
◦ If they are found, the Convert Options page appears. Go to step 8.
◦ If they are not found, the Wizard Complete page appears. Go to step 9.
8. If the Convert Options page appears, indicate whether to convert your personal Filter file and options and click Next. The Wizard Complete page appears.
9. On the Wizard Complete page, click Finish.
The Converting Files window opens, displaying information about the conversion. The status bar in this window might reset multiple times as the wizard creates new Windchill Risk and Reliability Projects. All new files are created from your prior files, which remain intact.
Once the conversion finishes, the Conversion Complete window opens. If you click View Log in it, a second window opens, displaying processing information. To save the log to a text file or print it to a printer, you can click Save As or Print. When finished viewing the log, click Close. Then, in the Conversion Complete window, click OK.
Following the conversion, you should ensure that all services are started. For more information, see
Service Startup.
If desired, you can begin using the
Administrator application to set up users, groups, and permissions in your new system. For more information, see
Administrator System Setup.
After your system is set up, you can install client software on any number of computers so that users can access
Windchill Risk and Reliability applications. The number of client computers that can run
Windchill Risk and Reliability applications at the same time depends on your license. For more information, see
Client Installations.
If on the Automatic or Manual Conversion page, you select the option for manually making a copy of your databases, the Databases Information page is shown. On this page, a table displays databases from the previous installation that you can copy to the new installation. Excel and Print buttons are provided so that you can either save this information to a spreadsheet or print it to a printer. For each new database, a Database Server Information page is shown. On this page, you enter connection information for the database. This includes the new database server and database name and a DBA user name and password for this server. It also includes the user name and password for the database user that allows Windchill Risk and Reliability to access the new database. After you complete this page for your last new database and click Next, then the Convert Backups page appears. You can then go to back to step 6 of the SQL Server conversion process.