Windchill Risk and Reliability Administrator > Users > User How-Tos > Setting a User Account Password
Setting a User Account Password
You can set a password for any Windchill Risk and Reliability user inserted in the Users area. You cannot set a passwords for LDAP users inserted in the LDAP Users area. As described in LDAP Users, the user names and passwords for LDAP users are assigned on the LDAP servers from which they are loaded.
1. If the Users area is not active, click the Users icon in the shortcut bar.
2. In the Users pane, select the user for which to set a password.
3. In the User Information pane, click Set Password. The Set Password window opens.
4. To set a password.
a. For Password, enter the password to assign to the user. Passwords are case-sensitive.
b. For Verify, re-enter the password in exactly the same way.
c. Click OK.
If the entries match, a window opens, indicating that the password has been changed successfully. Click OK.
If the entries do not match, a window opens, indicating original and verification passwords do not match. Click OK to return to the Set Password window, where you can repeat this procedure until you password is changed successfully.
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