RBD Style Library File Overview
RBD Style Library files store the styles for the objects that can be inserted in block diagrams. The master RBD Style Library file is a read-only file. When no files are open, you can open this file from the Open File window when PTC Windchill Risk and Reliability Project is selected for Project. The RBD Style Library file contains the default styles for blocks, connectors, junctions, and labels. Under the RBD heading in the System file properties, a default style for each object type is specified. For more information, see RBD System File Properties.
While you cannot insert or modify styles in the RBD Style Library file, you can create your own RBD Style Library files in which to store custom object styles. If desired, you can create these files in or move them to the Common Library. For more information, see Common Library.
At the top of the RBD Style Library file, Style type provides for selecting the type of object for which to view, insert, or modify styles. The number of styles that can be inserted for any object is unlimited in any RBD Style Library file that you create.
If a style in an RBD Style Library file that you have created has the same name as a style in the master RBD Style Library file, the custom style overrides the supplied style in the master RBD Style Library file. This custom style also overrides every style with the same name in RBD Style Library files beneath this one in the specified search order for library files of this type. For information about setting the search order, see Setting the Search Order for System and Library Files. The styles in all enabled RBD Style Library files are available for selection in the visual properties for the object.
The following table describes the two panes in the RBD Style Library file.
RBD Styles
Displays the styles inserted in the RBD Style Library file. For more information, see RBD Styles Pane.
RBD Style Definition
Displays a sample of the style selected in the RBD Styles pane based on its currently specified properties. Additionally, the Edit Style button provides for opening the corresponding Properties window. For more information, see RBD Style Definition Pane.